
Trigg is a proud sponsor of Wish4Fish. This charity helps people with disabilities or mental unwellness to get out on the water and enjoy the freedom and pleasure of our ocean waters – the benefits we know very well, as mad keen boating and fishing folk ourselves.

Hard Conversations

At the end of last year, Business Coach Britta Christiansen and Darrell took part in a Master Builders Elevate webinar titled ‘Hard Conversations’ – or, as Britta prefers, conversations that matter. The webinar looked at how to have difficult but often necessary conversations with clients, staff, subbies and others.

New Trigg Website Live

Our new website is live. You’ll find information and photos of some of our favourite projects, team profiles, and news and views about construction and what we’ve been up to at work and out in the community. We’re excited to show it off, and we hope you like it as much as we do.

Hundertwasser Art Centre Open

The Hundertwasser Art Centre and Wairau Māori Art Gallery are now open. We may be a little biased, but we have to agree with others who have described it as an absolute taonga for the North and the country.

Project Updates

It’s been a busy first quarter for us. Our team is on-site and well into constructing a 5000m2 bulk store facility for Nutrinza. We’re also nearing completion on twelve 150m2 units at the Aubrey Business Centre, Marsden Cove. We’re pushing on with two new projects. The Ruakaka Recreation Centre is in detailed design for consent stage, and the Mangawhai Medical Centre is moving into the design stage now that resource consent is granted.