Doing our Bit – We’re Carbon Reduce Certified

We’re thrilled to share that Trigg Construction is now Toitū CarbonReduce Certified. That means we’re measuring our greenhouse gas emissions, and we’ve put in place strategies to manage and reduce impacts.

Mates Research – A Snapshot

Our mates at MATES in Construction have just released three new research reports on their website including the latest MATES in Construction Well-being Survey.

Darrell Spreading the ECI Word

Darrell was invited to speak to the Local Government Strategic Procurement Group at their recent conference held in Whangarei. The group’s members are procurement managers from every council in the country, the people responsible for procuring everything from buildings to pens!

Floating Marina Wins Gold

We were really proud of the Trigg crew for completing this project, so we entered it in the 2024 NZ Commercial Project Awards. Darrell and Marlene took the entire team and their partners down to the awards evening in Wellington, not knowing if they would win anything!

Meet the Team: Brogan Clarke

Brogan joined Team Trigg in January this year as a Project Manager. He oversees our project planning and execution and works closely with our clients and consultant teams to ensure everything goes to plan, and everyone’s in the know, every step of the way.

Project Updates

Team Trigg is busy with a great bunch of projects right now, and future project planning is also progressing well, with a pick-up in inquiries over the last couple of months. The Ruakaka Rec Centre complete and open to the community and our Stand Children’s Services project is full steam ahead. We’re also excited to be on the cusp of starting the Mangawhai Medical Centre, and a wet sanding bay at the Marsden Cove Hardstand.  

A Word from Darrell

2024 has been one of the most challenging across the construction sector and the country. Residential consents are down 20% on last year to date, sitting at 33,677. The annual value of non-residential work consented was $9.1 billion, down 6.4% from the previous year ended September 2023. I feel the real picture is likely even worse than that.

Project Updates

Darrell, Marlene, and the team are proud to announce that Trigg has been awarded the main contractor role to partner with Stand Children’s Services Tu Maia Whānau (Stand) to redevelop the Maunu premises. This is a significant project for Stand and the Whangarei and Northland community.

Meet the Team: Hayley Ludgate

Hayley joined the team in October this year in a Construction Support role and as Trigg’s Health and Safety Officer. Based at Trigg HQ with Marlene, Hayley likes to be busy and has added huge value to the team’s work in the short time she’s been with us.

Marlene Muses on Hundertwasser’s Vienna

A real highlight of the recent trip Darrell and I took to Europe was to go and have a look at some of the famous Hundertwasser buildings around Vienna, Austria.