Floating Marina Wins Gold

We were really proud of the Trigg crew for completing this project, so we entered it in the 2024 NZ Commercial Project Awards. Darrell and Marlene took the entire team and their partners down to the awards evening in Wellington, not knowing if they would win anything!

A Word from Darrell

2024 has been one of the most challenging across the construction sector and the country. Residential consents are down 20% on last year to date, sitting at 33,677. The annual value of non-residential work consented was $9.1 billion, down 6.4% from the previous year ended September 2023. I feel the real picture is likely even worse than that.

Project Updates

Darrell, Marlene, and the team are proud to announce that Trigg has been awarded the main contractor role to partner with Stand Children’s Services Tu Maia Whānau (Stand) to redevelop the Maunu premises. This is a significant project for Stand and the Whangarei and Northland community.

A Word from Darrell

The months have flown by, and it’s that time of the year again, where for some, it’s a race to the finish line and, for others, a cruise into the break. For most, the hope is to emerge refreshed and ready to go again when the new year kicks off. Reflecting on the year, it was a mixed bag for the Trigg team.

Are skyrocketing construction costs here to stay?

Clients old and new have been asking us what’s up with skyrocketing construction costs and where we think things will head – up, down or stay much the same. Like you, we don’t have a crystal ball so we can’t see with any certainty where things will go. So, we asked Jeremy Blake, Associate Director – Quantity Surveying at Hampton Jones for his expert opinion. Here’s what he had to say.

Building in Challenging Times

We’ve all heard, and many of us are feeling the effects of the slowing economy and The Reserve Bank’s efforts to curb inflation. Recent predictions are that we will remain in a ‘recession’ until the end of 2024, with some predicting inflation won’t get below 3% until then, or even early 2025. From an industry perspective, things are still tough.

2022 NZ Commercial Project Awards Wins

We’re proud to share our recent wins at the NZ Commercial Project Awards. Our Hundertwasser Art Centre project was acknowledged twice, with Darrell, Marlene and the team hitting the podium and picking up Gold and Special Awards for 2022.

Hard Conversations

At the end of last year, Business Coach Britta Christiansen and Darrell took part in a Master Builders Elevate webinar titled ‘Hard Conversations’ – or, as Britta prefers, conversations that matter. The webinar looked at how to have difficult but often necessary conversations with clients, staff, subbies and others.

Fly The Flag 10 November

10 September is World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s an opportunity for people in New Zealand and worldwide to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention. MATES in Construction has moved its annual Fly the Flag campaign to get behind suicide prevention from 10 September to 10 November due to the recent lockdown that continues to affect our mates in Auckland.