Trigg Sports Awards

The Bream Bay Sports Awards were held in the Waipu Celtic Barn – a Trigg construction – on Friday 31 March. Ex-Bream Bay College head girl Laura Adams was the guest speaker on the night. Proud supporters and sponsors of this annual event that celebrates the success and hard work of our local sports people and teams, this is always a highlight on the Trigg social calendar.

We are the community

Our local community is a big focus for us and at the heart of everything we do! Outside of his busy construction life, Darrell is the Ruakaka Volunteer Fire Brigade’s Chief Fire Officer.

Hundertwasser Art Centre Open

The Hundertwasser Art Centre and Wairau Māori Art Gallery are now open. We may be a little biased, but we have to agree with others who have described it as an absolute taonga for the North and the country.

Time’s Up for this President

Believe it or not, my role as National President Master Builders comes to a close at the end of August at the Master Builders AGM.

As everyone says, where did the last two years go, and how did they slip by so fast? It has been a real privilege to get around the country and meet the members that range from extremely large businesses to one employee. The passion for the Master Builders brand, their people and the industry has been fantastic to experience. I look forward to continuing to support them all at the events such as Apprentice of the Year, House of the Year, NZ Commercial Project Awards, together with all of their local events.

Men’s Health Matters

As an industry that employs large numbers of men, the health of our workforce is a hugely important issue for the sector. Master Builders NZ have sponsored and supported Men’s Health Week since its inception, to help get the message out to men to proactively take care of their health, and break down some of those macho mantras that might prevent men from getting regular health checks.

Men’s Health Week with Mark Sainsbury and Darrell Trigg

Men’s Health Week NZ Ambassador, Mark Sainsbury & National President, Darrell Trigg came into The Cafe to talk with Mel Homer about the health of our male population. These two offered some fascinating statistics, about why we should take notice. You will learn a lot from this one! And if you would like any further information head to Men’s Health Week NZ.

Locked Down – Life in a Bubble

I’m writing this article from my dining room on Day 10 of the Alert Level 4 lockdown — as we are adjusting to the new norm for the immediate future, and wondering what the long-term outlook will be for our businesses and the industry as a whole.

Big Goals for 2020 as President of Master Builders NZ

MD of Trigg Construction, Darrell became a Director of NZ Registered Master Builders Association (RMBA) in 2014 and was elected National President in 2018. As current President, he’s been part of some key strategic industry projects, including the development of the Government’s Construction Accord and Transformation Plan.

Trigg Construction Up for the Challenge

Marsden Point based commercial construction company Trigg is not a builder but rather a construction partner, says director Darrell Trigg.

“We aim to assist clients from the start of their project to the finish. Early contractor involvement and working with the team from day one speeds up the project, solves problems early and means we can all work together from the outset for the best end result.