It’s all go on-site in Whangarei at the Hundertwasser Arts Centre, as we look to an expected completion date in mid-quarter two, ready for opening to the public at the end of the year. Trigg was one of the first people on-site as the project kicked off three years ago. We have to say it’s extraordinary to look back and see how far we’ve come, and we’re incredibly proud of what we’ve managed to achieve. Recently 150 trees were lifted and planted onto the roof of the building. Kindly grown, nurtured and donated by local business Tawapou Coastal Natives, the trees will form the largest afforested roof in the southern hemisphere. You can keep up with all the latest developments on the Hundertwasser Arts Centre Facebook page.

The Marsden Cove Business Centre was recently handed over on schedule to our clients to move into at the beginning of April. The centre is a modern facility with nine commercial tenancies on the first-floor housing local businesses and a new format 4 Square on the ground floor. The 4 Square tenant is finalising their fit-out with the aim of opening at the beginning of Q3 2021. Darrell commended the entire team from Marlene in the office, David Pook for the commercial management, Terence Elliot for overall project management and Brad Taylor for his day-to-day management of the site. The client, Marsden Maritime Holdings Ltd, is extremely pleased with the outcome and proud to have this business centre as a key part of their development of the retail precinct at Marsden Cove

The Aubrey Business Centre at Marsden Point is on target for a mid-May handover. Trigg project manager Terence Elliot and site manager Gareth Payne are currently full steam ahead, supported from Trigg HQ by David Pook and Marlene Trigg. The project consists of twelve 150m2 light commercial tenancies to be occupied by local businesses expanding and non-local businesses understanding the growth in the area and moving here to set up. Each unit is ready for tenant fit-out or fit-out by the Trigg team. Once this building is complete, the Trigg team will get straight into constructing the second group of units that are identical.

Across the road on Marsden Bay Drive, a larger building is also in full swing, with the Mt Tiger Business Hub steaming towards its handover date at the end of Q3 2021. The Mt Tiger building consists of four 600m2tenancies, with a similar mix of local companies expanding into the area and businesses from out of town moving into Marsden Point to set up and grow their business, taking advantage of the proximity to Northport. The site is on the Southern side of Marsden Bay Drive and is one of the first commercial buildings that will have access off the new road being created to push further into that land and support future developmen