Trigg Family Fun Race Day – 7 January 2021

At Trigg, we’re big supporters of local events, and we love this one!

Treat your holiday crew to a fun-filled afternoon trackside at the Trigg Family Fun Race Day on 7 January 2021. Head to the Ruakaka Racecourse, and you’ll find a stunning setting, relaxed atmosphere and fantastic live entertainment – this is classic summer NZ!

Men’s Health Matters

As an industry that employs large numbers of men, the health of our workforce is a hugely important issue for the sector. Master Builders NZ have sponsored and supported Men’s Health Week since its inception, to help get the message out to men to proactively take care of their health, and break down some of those macho mantras that might prevent men from getting regular health checks.

Pushing Ahead for Northland

In our view, non-residential building in the Northland region seems to have bounced back post-COVID relatively well. Indicators are that non-residential sector activity will peak in the first quarter of 2021 and drop off from there. As always, many factors contribute, but COVID is the biggest in recent times.

Men’s Health Week with Mark Sainsbury and Darrell Trigg

Men’s Health Week NZ Ambassador, Mark Sainsbury & National President, Darrell Trigg came into The Cafe to talk with Mel Homer about the health of our male population. These two offered some fascinating statistics, about why we should take notice. You will learn a lot from this one! And if you would like any further information head to Men’s Health Week NZ.

Bream Bay Sports Awards

The night of Friday 6 March was the awards gala for the 2020 Bream Bay Sports Awards. Trigg Construction is proud to support the awards as naming rights sponsor for the third year. The awards celebrate and promote the value of sport, and acknowledge the sporting achievements of residents in the local Bream Bay community.

Kia Kaha to Northland’s Big Five

Kia Kaha Northland is a campaign for Northlanders to “Back the Big Five” and give their support to five major projects that will connect Northland to Auckland and the world, and transform the regional and national economies.

Stair Climbing is a Family Affair

Darrell and Marlene are huge supporters of a whole range of community causes and organisations, but stair climbing is one that’s a family affair. Marlene regularly completes Stadium Stomps and Darrell, Chief Fire Officer of the Ruakaka Volunteer Fire Brigade, participates in Firefighter Stair Climbs.

New RMBA President a High Climber

Climbing a 2000-step New York stairwell in 50°C heat for 33 minutes — it’s not a problem for newly-elected Registered Master Builders Association president Darrell Trigg.

He’s taken similar challenges in his stride, including the Sky Tower three times and another one in Melbourne twice. And it’s all in support of various charities.